Ames Crime Report Analysis

This analysis is based on data collected from Ames, Iowa crime/ arrest. The data is from 2015 to 2017

UCBerkeley YikYak Text Analysis using R

This project is a sentiment analysis of UCBerkeley YikYak data to to see what the students talk about most,or what are the words they use to thier yak.

Websccraping and Analysis Using R

This notebook is a simple tutorial on how to scrap data from the web, clean it (tidy) and perform some analysis on it. I learnt how to use rvest when I went to a r-ladies meet-up. I hope you enjoy it as I did.

Analysing Data related Jobs in Des Moines,Iowa

Scraping jobs from and using pandas for manipulation

Coming Soon

Short description of what the tutotrial is about.

Coming Soon

Short description of what the tutotrial is about.

Interactive Applications and Analysis

Simple Statistical Tool Using Shiny (Old shiny)

This is a simple simple statistical tool that has the following functions as of now:
  • upload a data set of different format.(works great with csv files)
  • calculate the measure of location such as mean, mode, median, standard divaiation and others.
  • plot chart by entering column name (some chart are bar, scatter, histogram)

Dashboard to Track Grocery Using Shiny(in progress)

This project allows me to add grocery to a google sheet with date purchased, expiration date and price. It allows me to update the list. I also has a report view of how much I have spent againt my set budget, wasted food, and a recommendation of food that I usally buy and consume before expiration date.

Video Game Analysis (Group project)

The Data set analyzed consists of yearly regional sales data and critic scores for video games across four decades. Some initial info about the dataset:
  • 17416games
  • 31 platforms
  • About $9bn in sales over 41 years.

Power BI and Tableau

Exploration of Ames Housing in Power BI

Coming Soon

Short description of what the project/tutotrial is about.

Coming Soon

Short description of what the project/tutotrial is about.